Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Memento (2000)

So i had some free time and took a look at this mashed potato. And i use the term "mashed" for many reasons here. As of for starters you might notice that it is all made out of small steps, not like children of men, witch had many non-stop shots. Those little steps start and end whenever they want , like a woman. And that makes it hard to understand, again, just like a woman. I'm not making fun, that is just what it looks like, i hope that Christopher Nolan won't get mad at me for this. That is not all. Imagine your woman to get mad at you for no reason and then talking backwards. That what's going on in Memento as well. Those short pieces don't go backwards , but the time line itself goes from the last thing that happened to the first. And now that i lost you, time for some more nice things about this creature of brain-damaging twister.
As this is a thriller, and no lies there for sure, you might think that you know more than Leonard (main character) knows. And that is not too hard , as Leonard has brain damage (really) and is stupid as a goldfish hit by a truck (not really). But later on you get that feeling , that you know you are just getting kicked in the balls and made fun of, and that you know nothing you brain dead mothe---. And a good point is that you can't predict what is going to happen, because the twists are so cleverly put in place, that it's a good thing you manage to put everything in their belonging places when everything is over. Witch is something you should not expect at all. That is a good thing in my book, but i do not have  a book so meh...
Blowing. I think about blowing when i think about Memento now, because my mind has been blown , at least a bit. And that is enough blowing for one simple thriller. Can't really explain why, but i leaves a really good feeling of getting mind blown and figuring out everything in the end. It also has one more thing that i really like, but might not be so interesting for you. There were parts of dialog that referred to the way the movie was directed. It gave reasons why this backward this was made and all other things i can't explain. It really is a great movie, if you have not seen it, i do suggest seeing it, and if you did see it, did you like it ?


  1. One of my favorites. :D

  2. Haven't seen it but will be sure to give a try

  3. another awesome movie. the ending was insane.

  4. And thats it.
    I saw it in the thearte when it first came out.
    I liked how everything was happening backwards.
    I liked this movie.

  5. I liked it eventually, good acting.

  6. Seen it and liked it, amazing stuff. :)

  7. Memento is an awesome movie.

  8. I seen this movies its really good.

  9. Great movie, even though I had it spoiled for me before I watched it -_-

  10. What a great well-written review, I'm sure I'm going tos tart looking for this one :)

  11. this is a great movie!

  12. Always wanted to watch this movie but I've never had a chance to.
