Monday, 14 February 2011

waterworld (1995)

So you mentioned Waterworld , huh ? Yes , that's one of Kevin Costner's films, were he is a... strange.. thing...
So the good parts here are the whole water thing (yeah... good with words) . But really , the whole feel here really looks like there is nothing but water left. Can't say it has some of message in there , but who gives a damn, this just looks great. Waterworld is based on that feel and view thing, makes no-one smarter or anything, but makes you feel like you shat your pants with happiness and tears of joy (in the end, doah ) . Yeah, i might put my little finger up script's ass , as there are stuff like " lets bury  them, i think that's how they did it " seriously ? who thinks like that ? fortune tellers ? Yup .. but apart from those stupid holes in the cheese , it is still a great time spender.
 Hey thanks to ... some one, who mentioned waterworld i talked about it . Any more reconquest ? I'll be happy to do things you want to hear .


  1. This wasn't too bad. Of course everyone says it sucks..I didn't mind it.

  2. lol very witty. can't wait for more

  3. One of the most expensive hollywood flops ever and I still think its a good movie.

  4. hmm, I think Ill check it out


  5. this one looks interesting, I think I'll give it a try

  6. I really hate this movie, with all the water they used to film it, they could have opened their own Sea Park. What a waste. Maybe you can review 127 hours. I haven't seen it yet, I'm wondering if its any good.
